The Law Office of Sophie Raven Site Français

Legal Notice and Privacy Policy
Legal Notice
No attorney-client relationship is established by visiting our website or through an inquiry from our website between you and The Law Office of Sophie Raven or any of its attorneys. As a result, please do not send us any confidential information about a legal matter until you and The Law Office of Sophie Raven agree in writing to establishing the attorney-client relationship and you have officially retained us as your attorney. Note that unsolicited information that you send to The Law Office of Sophie Raven will not be treated as confidential.
The information provided on The Law Office of Sophie Raven website is provided solely for informational purposes and is not designed to solve individual issues. Readers should always seek legal counsel for answers to their case-specific questions.
Privacy Policy
The Law Office of Sophie Raven believes that protecting clients' personal information is paramount. Any information that you provide to the firm will be used only to perform the requested legal services. The firm takes the attorney-client privilege seriously. Since attorneys must abide by strict laws of confidentiality, no personal information will be disclosed to anyone outside of the firm, except when explicitly authorized by the client or when required by law.